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We have Stock!

Nov 30, 2021

All three of our McGregors Furniture and Mattress stores pull their stock of furniture from one location; one very full, nearly bursting location. At the beginning of the pandemic, McGregors Furniture and Mattress President, Erin McGregor, saw ahead what was to become. As someone with a Masters Degree in business, Erin has an unfair advantage of professional skills to prepare for the worst in the retail industry.

Looking ahead, she ordered furniture right away. Because of being smaller and family owned business, quick decisions pertaining to order furniture, were made and met. With furniture being ordered in advance without sold merchandise, McGregors was able to be ahead of the game. Because of the tactics used, McGregors Furniture and Mattress has been able to consistently stock furniture, available to our customers without the depressing eight month wait.

We will continue to focus on stocking furniture and great customer service. We hope to see you soon!


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