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Tips For Moving Into A New Home In The New Year

Jan 12, 2022

Moving into a new home can feel like a roller coaster of emotions at times. Not only can this process ignite stress, but it can equally ignite excitement as well. For those moving into a new home in the new year, it’s best to control the controllable. Utilize these home initiation tips to find confidence when moving in 2022.

Complete A Walkthrough

The first step to take when moving into a new home is to complete a thorough walkthrough. In order to ensure you’re getting the home for the correct value, you have to understand what’s working, what’s not and what the previous homeowners left behind. Before you begin implementing any other step in the moving process, a walkthrough must be completed.

An effective walkthrough will provide detailed information as to what is wrong with the property. Double-check that everything mentioned in your contract and the condition of the home are the same. If you notice certain repairs that were signed off on were not actually completed, use a realtor to determine what the best course of action is. Similarly, check for any other flaws within the property that would breach your original contract. Once you get everything settled, you can attack the flaws when making the move.

Ensure Your Utilities Are Working

The next best step when moving in the new year is to check that your utilities are working efficiently. This part of the process is one of the most essential. It’ll determine not only your homes’ comfort but also the overall safety of your property as well. It’s important to note that your utilities consist of everything from your HVAC systems to your cellular and internet processes. Other appliances like your washer, dryer and even dishwasher are also essential to creating a functioning living space.

The best way to ensure your utilities are working properly is to use professional assistance to evaluate the condition of your homes’ amenities. Your utilities are responsible for regulating the equilibrium in your home, so it’s critical to ensure that they’re consistently in working condition. If there aren’t any urgent repairs, try to make do with what’s available for the time being to avoid additional financial stressors during the moving process. Over time you can build up equity on your home, and once your appliances have hit their final days, a home equity loan may be a viable option to maintain your financial stability and keep your home safe. This can be a smart funding option because it has a lower interest rate than a personal loan or credit card and you can use the money as you wish.

Re-Evaluate Your Furniture

When moving into a new home, the interior layout may not entirely match your preferences, and rightfully so. Whether the previous homeowner left their previous furniture or not, it’s important to re-imagine the way you want your home to look on the interior. Furniture can play a major role in creating comfort in your new home.

There are many ways to evaluate your space; physically analyzing designated spots in your home is a great way to start. Let your style shine by putting a personal twist on your interior design, this may increase the amount of time you spend in that space. Match your couch to your counter, or your pillows to your posters. Either way, try to make it unique to you. Some homeowners may find breakthrough inspiration on social media while also using furniture layout applications to create potential blueprints.

Switch Your Locks

Something that many homeowners often neglect when moving into a new home is switching their locks. Especially in the new year, you don’t want anyone with access to your property that might infiltrate the integrity of your home. It should be encouraged for every homeowner to change the locks on their new home, even if you’re not concerned about the previous homeowners. You truly never know who might have the key to your front door.

Try changing the locks yourself. If you have trouble or don’t know where to start, find a local locksmith to help. In order to provide sufficient protection, exchange the locks on all of your doors leading from the interior to the exterior of your home, including the windows. It may seem like a rather tedious task, but switching your locks will provide a safeguard from potential intruders. In this case, it’s much better to be safe than sorry.

Deep Clean Your Property

The last step, but certainly not the least, is to deep clean your property. The best time to do a deep clean is once you’re settled in. Trying to conduct a thorough cleanse is tough when everything is scattered. Make sure before you begin that you can clearly identify which parts of your property need the most attention. For example, your basement or attic may need extensive cleaning compared to your kitchen or bathroom.

If you don’t know where to start or physically can’t clean yourself, try hiring a home cleaning service to help save you time and energy. If that is not an option for you, ask family members or friends for help. This process will ensure that your home is fully prepared for the long haul. Cleaning can be a pain at times, but putting this final touch on your home can make moving into the new year a lot easier.

Moving into a new home at the start of the new year can be challenging, especially if you set your expectations too high. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, take it one step at a time and happily establish your property the way you wish. Take the time to complete these steps in order to make the transition as seamless as possible.


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